About Hanna
Hanna Perlstein Marcus was born at the Bergen Belsen displaced persons camp after World War II and later immigrated to Springfield, Massachusetts with her mother, Sidonia. She is a licensed clinical social worker in Connecticut and former model of her mother’s clothing designs.

Her first book, Sidonia’s Thread, has been read around the world and was the winner of the Readers’ Favorite 2018 Gold Medal for memoir, the 2014 Best Kindle Book Award for nonfiction and was nominated for the Sarton Memoir Prize and the Sophie Brody Medal of the American Library Association, as well as a semi-finalist for the BookLife Prize.
Her second book is Surviving Remnant, nominated for a Readers’ Choice Award, which describes her upbringing in a community of Holocaust survivors in Springfield’s North End and her hapless search for a father among them. Now, in the final book of the series, Sidonia’s Seam Binding, the author brings the reader up to the present time and describes how she developed her own distinct character, researched Sidonia’s fascinating Hungarian ancestry, and created an imagined reality of how Sidonia’s life could have evolved if she had not been born.
Marcus’ books are filled with love, resilience, courage, and humor. She spends much of her time providing author talks to libraries, religious organizations, community groups, universities, and Jewish and other cultural centers, and tries to find precious moments for her writing.
She has been called, “one of the best lecturers [about a post-Holocaust life] of her generation.” She lives in Connecticut and has two children and four adorable granddaughters.
You can contact the author at info@hannamarcus.com.