Descendants of the Shoah Conference

Descendants of the Shoah Conference

My gratitude to the “Descendants of the Shoah” conference for having me as a guest author at their event last month. It was my pleasure to appear along with moderator, Pat Kazakoff, and to meet other authors, speakers, and attendees. Most of the attendees...
Temple Beth-El, Providence, R.I.

Temple Beth-El, Providence, R.I.

Thanks to my friends Bob and Elaine Sandy, who hosted me in Providence, Rhode Island for my book talk with the Temple Beth-El Reading Circle. Book clubs are probably my most favorite venue to talk about my books. I know they have all read the chosen book and come with...
Indie Authors Day

Indie Authors Day

Thanks to Jennifer Bartlett and everyone at the Mary Cheney Library in Manchester, CT for a very stimulating Indie Authors Day. Not only was it an opportunity to meet some great fellow authors representing many book genres, but also to share our comments about writing...
Enfield Public Library

Enfield Public Library

I had a great experience at the Enfield, CT Public Library, where I performed one of my first presentations after the publication of Sidonia’s Thread. The audience was just as good as my first one in every way. They could not have been more supportive or...