Readers’ Favorite Review
Review of Sidonia's Seam Binding by Edith Wairimu for Readers' Favorite: In her incredible, masterfully written memoir, Sidonia's Seam Binding: A Holocaust Dressmaker's Daughter Discovers Her Style, Hanna Perlstein Marcus documents her experiences as a child brought...
In honor of Yom HaShoah, A $100 Amazon eGift Card Weekly Giveaway!!
Tonight, April 20, marks the start of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. It has been 75 years since the end of WWII and the liberation of Holocaust survivors #Liberation75, #ctvoicesofhope, #allgenerations. Sidonia's Thread is one of the best books to describe...
Pandemics – A Family’s Experience,1918 and Now
My Aunt Margit, the sister my mother never knew, died as an adolescent, a victim of the Swine Flu pandemic of 1918. Margit was the cleverest and most studious of Simon and Hani’s six children and warranted enrollment in advanced...
Post International Womens’ Day
Sure, this past Sunday was International Women’s Day, but shouldn’t we celebrate women every day? Isn’t it women who provide the tempering hand to men to sometimes prevent their rash decisions? Isn’t it women who have the skill and level-headedness to provide...
Why I Like/Don’t Like Book Expos
I recently participated in a Book Expo as part of a celebration of Main Street in a town in Connecticut. When the organizers of the Expo offered me the opportunity to participate, I hesitated for a little while. I was not sure how I should respond. While I relished...
Author Visits in Connecticut
Hanna has been busy appearing at classes this fall for retirees at Learning in Retirement at Stamford, CT's Temple Beth El and at MILE, the Middlesex Institute for Lifelong Learning, at Middlesex Community College in Middletown, CT. She learned as much from all of...
A Visit to a Hundred Year Old Congregation
It was a scenic drive through rural Eastern Connecticut to Congregation B'nai Shalom in Putnam, the quiet corner of the state. Celebrating their hundredth year of existence, many members of the congregation attended my author talk about my books and about the upcoming...