Mother’s Day, 2020

By - Hanna Perlstein Marcus
May 10, 2020

My mother died on Mother’s Day, that second Sunday in May when we Americans celebrate motherhood by paying homage to the women who sacrifice so much for the sake of their children.

That’s how my first book in the Sidonia trilogy, Sidonia’s Thread begins. It was a symbolic day that year, which epitomized the ending of a life that each of us mothers can use as a model for our feelings about our own children. Every Mother’s Day brings back the memories of my life with my mother, Sidonia, and the boundless sacrifices she made to ensure that her daughter had a contented life in America. Now I have my own children and grandchildren for whom no sacrifice is too great to surmount.

The Mother’s Day gifts are wonderful and appreciated. But let us be mindful of the real meaning of the holiday, which is this: There will be no greater role in the life of a woman with children than acting as her children’s teacher, counselor, advisor, supporter, friend, confidante, cheerleader, and loving admirer!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers who sacrifice every day for the sake of their children! #Mothers Day

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