August is the month that we celebrate Women’s Equality Day and World Humanitarian Day. It is interesting that they both are celebrated in the same month! It’s a time to reflect on the importance of women’s right to vote and exercise their duty to influence the policies, values, and direction of their government in the United States of America. Women over the past one hundred years have shown their willingness to play important roles in the government when allowed and have often displayed their natural humanitarian attitudes toward those in poverty, those who have been neglected or abused, those who need homes, food, health, and other basic needs, those with mental health and addiction issues, those with developmental disabilities, those who have been oppressed, and veterans who are struggling with PTSD and reconnecting after serving in foreign wars and risking their lives to defend the nation. Currently, women epitomize humanitarianism by their valor in serving as essential workers on the front lines of the Covid pandemic. As an author, I count on women to read my books and glean insights from my words about humanity, kindness, and selflessness. Thank you to them for their immeasurable support and thank you to all those women and men who have served their neighbors and country so well, particularly in such uncertain times!
Sidonia’s Seam Binding Book Launch
Join us as we celebrate the publication of the third and final volume in the Sidonia's Thread trilogy, Sidonia's Seam...